• Rutnin Eye Hospital Building, 7th Floor, 80/1 Sukhumvit 21 (Asoke) Road, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand.
    +662-056-3388 | Opening day : Monday – Friday | Opening hours : 09.00 – 15.00 Hrs




Applicants for tourist visa should present :

1. Passport with at least 6 months of validity (original & copy)
2. Completed visa application form signed by applicant.
3. Two (2) passport-size photographs (not older than 6 months)
Letter from employer stating name ,title, length of service with company, whether trip is sponsored by company or individual and grant of permission to travel for period specified. (original)
5. Bank certified letter.
6. Copy of national ID.
7. Transit visa(s) information.
8. A copy of the ticket must be produced before the visa will be granted.
9. A copy of the travel itinerary with submission of documents.
10. Confirmed hotel booking.
11. Contact details, including telephone information for sponsor of individual visitors must be provided.
12. If a sponsor is provided :
– Sponsor’s letter of guarantee for the applicant.
– Photocopy of passport.
– Bank Certified letter.

Estimated processing time : 45 working days or more at the discretion of The Embassy of Jamaica, Beijing for any reason
**Noted : Passport must be present on the day

Nationals of countries subject to or exempt from visa requirements

>> Persons who do not require visas to enter Jamaica as Tourists

Citizens of Commonwealth countries, excluding Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nigeria, the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin islands and Zimbabwe, for a period not exceeding 6 months;
Citizens of the Irish Republic, who are treated as Commonwealth citizens for immigration purposes;
Nationals of the following countries for the periods specified below:

>> Not exceeding 14 days

  • – Venezuela

>> Not exceeding 45 days

  • – Argentina
    – Brazil
    – Chile
    – Costa Rica
    – Ecuador
    – France
    – Greece
    – Japan
    – Portugal
    – Spain
    – Uruguay
    – Hong Kong (holders of Passports of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)

>> Not exceeding 90 days

  • – Austria
    – Belgium
    – Denmark
    – Fiji
    – Netherlands
    – Norway
    – Finland
    – Federal Republic of Germany
    – Iceland
    – Israel
    – Italy
    – Switzerland
    – Liechtenstein
    – Luxembourg
    – San Marino
    – South Korea
    – Sweden
    – Turkey
    – United States of America (for a period not exceeding 6 months)

Persons who may be issued Visas at Consular Post without Reference to the Ministry of National Security or at Ports of Entry or on Arrival (VOA)

>> Not exceeding 90 days

  • – Albania                   – Latvia
    – Andorra                  – Lithuania
    – Armenia                 – Macedonia
    – Azerbaijan             – Moldovia
    – Belarus                   – Poland
    – Bulgaria                  – Romania
    – Croatia                    – Russian Federation
    – Czech Republic     – Slovak Republic
    – Estonia                   – Slovenia
    – Georgia                   – Taiwan
    – Hungary                 – Tajikistan
    – Kazakhstan            – Turkmenistan
    – Kyrgyzstan             – Ukraine
    – Uzbekistan

Nationals of these countries must satisfy the Immigration Officers in Jamaica of their bonafides and must be in possession of the following documents:
Valid passport/travel document;
Return ticket with re-entry visa for persons who are not nationals of their country of residence, or visa and airline ticket for an onward destination;
Funds to cover duration of visit or proof of adequate arrangements for accommodation and maintenance during the visit.

Person whose Visa Applications must be Referred to the Ministry of National Security / Passports, Immigration & Citizenship Agency (PICA) for Approval

Foreign nationals wishing to enter for permanent residence;
Foreign nationals intending to take up employment, establish business or to engage in professional practice, unless in possession of a permit issued to the employers by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, authorizing the employment of the foreign nationals.

Nationals of the following countries:


  • – Afghanistan                                              – Marshall Islands
    – Bahrain                                                     – Saudi Arabia
    – Bhutan                                                      – Sri Lanka
    – Cambodia                                                 – Syria
    – China (except holders of                       – Micronesia
    Diplomatic and Official Passports)     – Mongolia
    – Hong Kong                                              – Myanmar (Burma)
    – Nepal                                                        – Indonesia
    – Pakistan                                                   – Iran
    – Palau                                                        – Iraq
    – Philippines                                             – Jordan
    – Oman                                                      – Kuwait
    – Qatar                                                       – Laos
    – Samoa                                                     – Lebanon
    – Thailand                                                – United Arab Emirates
    – Vietnam                                                 – Yemen


  • – Algeria                                      – Guinea-Bissau
    – Angola                                      – Mali
    – Benin                                        – Mauritania
    – Burundi                                    – Morocco
    – Burkina Faso                           – Mozambique
    – Cameroon                                – Niger
    – Central African Republic      – Nigeria
    – Chad                                          – Rwanda
    – Comoros Islands                    – Sao Tome and Principe
    – Congo                                       – Senegal
    – Djibouti                                   – Somalia
    – Egypt                                        – Sudan
    – Equatorial Guinea                 – Togo
    – Eritrea                                      – Tunisia
    – Ethiopia                                   – Zaire
    -Gabon                                       – Guinea


  • – Bolivia                              – Honduras
    – Colombia                         – Nicaragua
    – Cuba                                 – Panama
    – Dominican Republic     – Paraguay
    – El Salvador                     – Peru
    – Guatemala


  • – Haiti

Remark: travel on cruise ship with day visit to Jamaica does not need visa .